Easter @Journey || Ed Noble || April 17, 2022

Easter @Journey || Ed Noble || April 17, 2022

Easter Sunday @Journey! Christ-followers believe there was a moment — a weekend — that not only changed the world but their own personal lives. For centuries, we have approached this momentous, ultimate Victory weekend by setting aside 40 days to prepare our minds and hearts. These days are traditionally called Lent — a time to adjust our hearts to receive as much as possible of what God has for us. What started out looking like a horrible defeat, by Sunday we could tell He won — a runaway Victory! Join us as we walk through the victories of Jesus and learn how each of these can also be OUR Victory. For more info on the series or to watch previous messages, visit: https://journeycommunitychurch.com/cu... ____________________________ ◾ NEED PRAYER? https://journeycommunitychurch.com/pr... ◾ GIVE: Partner with us in our mission to reach those in our community and around the world: https://journeycommunitychurch.com/gi... Join us for church online Sundays at 9 AM + on-demand! All music used by permission: CCLI Streaming License: 20355561 CCS Streaming License: 1301 Stock music courtesy of: https://epidemicsound.com https://chillhop.com