20 Strange Facts That Only Exist In Japan Where Women Lust After Foreign Men!

20 Strange Facts That Only Exist In Japan Where Women Lust After Foreign Men!

📸 Don't forget to subscribe and click on the notification bell so you don't miss any new videos from us! 🔔 Did you know that more adults get adopted in Japan than children? Or that the country sells more adult diapers than any other country in the world. Beyond the majestic landscape and modern beauty of Japan, lies a history of weird practices and unusual beliefs that you won’t find anywhere in the world. Join us as we show you the Japan you don’t see in the media, unveiling twenty one strange facts that only exist in Japan. We would like to clarify that the content presented on this channel is based on stories inspired by real events. However, we strongly emphasize that these narratives should not be interpreted as absolute truth. We understand the importance of transparency and responsibility in the dissemination of information and encourage our viewers to seek official sources for a more complete and accurate understanding of the events mentioned. If you have any questions, corrections, or concerns regarding the shared content, we kindly request that you contact us at [email protected]. We are committed to addressing any inaccuracies and continuously improving the quality of our publications. 00:00 START 00:36 ENIGMA UNFOLDED 00:41 number 21 sleeping on the train 01:59 number 20 no punishment for racism 03:31 number 19 extreme workaholism 05:12 number 18 crooked teeth are beautiful 06:28 number 17 adult adoption 08:03 number 16 false politeness 09:15 number 15 renting a family 10:36 number 14 love hotels 11:42 number 13 Kentucky Fried Christmas 13:14 number 12 crying baby festival 14:01 number 11 living in isolation 15:05 number 10 discrimination against tattoos 16:06 number nine kid Independence 17:18 number eight acceptable cheating culture 18:31 number seven fake food 19:39 number six the rise of adult diapers 20:31 before we go on here's our subscriber pick for today 21:11 number five Japan's aging population 22:16 number four the manga craze 23:05 number three the oldest hotel in the world 24:06 number two arranged marriage culture 25:07 number one weekend marriages