[파이프오르간] O Come All Ye Faithful on the Werner Bosch organ 참반가운성도여 현장녹화 버전 [Adeste Fideles]

[파이프오르간] O Come All Ye Faithful on the Werner Bosch organ 참반가운성도여 현장녹화 버전 [Adeste Fideles]

석남성결교회파이프오르간 새찬송가122 참반가운성도여 성공회성가159 오라신도들아 카톨릭성가102 어서가경배하세 Organ Location: Holiness Church of Seoknam, Incheon Metropolitan City, ROK. Organ Specifications: made by Werner Bosch Orgelbau in 2021 Organ manuals on French tradition(Recit-Positiv-Grand Orgue) Grand Orgue: Principal 16, 8 Gedackt8 Salicional 8 Octav 4 Gedackt 4 Octav 2 Mixture 4 Trumpet 8 Positiv: Flute 8, 4, 2 Sesquialtera 2 ⅔ Trumpet 8 Basson-Oboe 8 Chime(Glockenspiel) Nightingale Tremolo Recit: Salicional 8, 4 Gedackt 8 Flute 4 Octav 4 Nasard 2 ⅔ Larigot 1 ⅓ Terz 1 ⅗ Scharff 4 Basson 16 Oboe 8 Trumpet 8 Clairon 4 Cymbelstern Tremolo Pedal: Principal16 Subbass16 Octavbass8 Gedackt8 Choralbass4 Posaune16(≈similar to Bombarde 16) Trumpet8(≈similar to Bombarde 8) Trumpet4(≈similar to Bombarde 4)