63. 七星連珠之日 The Day of the Seven Planet Alignment (Vlog)

63. 七星連珠之日 The Day of the Seven Planet Alignment (Vlog)

銀河星空的冥想: 2月28日是七星連珠之日,能幫助我們的七脈輪對齊七顆行星,能夠對我們的覺醒還有顯化來更大的效果,不过平常也可以使用這種冥想方法,記得做笔記,第一,找一個舒適不被打擾的地方。第二開始打坐,双掌朝上這樣才能有更好的接收宇宙的能量。第三調息,慢慢的吸氣吐氣,花五分鐘專注力放在吸氣吐氣上,自然而然我们的情绪就很快的平静下來,第四,就是將能量中心的气往上调,吸氣時双手掌心朝上(除拇指外四個指尖接觸),如捧東西放置于腹部,慢慢往上移動至胸口,之後雙掌往外180度翻轉,雙掌心還是朝上,繼續往上移动伸展至最頂端後,開始吐氣,這時的左右手各自往外畫大圈,再慢慢向下移動至腹部,這是再重複原來的步驟,開始吸氣雙掌心朝上,如捧狀往上移動至胸部后,雙掌往外翻转朝上移動,伸展至最高處,开始吐氣,雙手再往下畫大圈至腹部,这样吸氣吐氣重复五分鐘後,你會感到松果體的部分開始有感覺,頭部因壓力的關係會重重的,这时候開始可以有視覺化的冥想,事先可以找Youtube的銀河影片来練習,就是可以看到眼前很多的星球在身旁快速的竄流,專注于這個畫面五分鐘後,眼睛閉上,你會感覺還是看到許多星球不停的在身旁流竄,這時候畫面会慢慢變成另外一个畫面,自己有可能來到一個空間,是一个草原、來到了海邊、或者到了任何一個個房子,你可以在這個空間走走看看,不要有任何念頭,看到任何画面都不要評判, 因為這個畫面它有可能連接到你所需要的答案,它是關於你的夢想、你的目標、你的機會、你的人生使命,在這個外維度裡你可以設意圖,不管有没有連接到畫面,這時候可以好好的静心冥想更長時間,都能有助于增强自身的能量。 Galaxy Meditation can help align our seven chakras with the seven planets on Feb. 28, enhancing both our awakening and manifestation abilities. However, this meditation method can also be practiced regularly. 1. Find a Comfortable and Undisturbed Place – Choose a quiet environment where you won’t be interrupted. 2. Begin Meditation – Sit in a comfortable position with your palms facing upward to better receive the energy of the universe. 3. Breath Regulation – Inhale and exhale slowly, focusing on your breath for five minutes. Naturally, your emotions will calm down. 4. Energy Flow Exercise – • As you inhale, keep your palms facing up (fingertips of four fingers touching, except the thumbs), as if holding an object. Place your hands at your abdomen and slowly move them upward to your chest. • Then, rotate your palms outward at 180 degrees, keeping them facing up, and continue lifting your hands until they are fully stretched above your head. • Begin to exhale, drawing large outward circles with your hands as they slowly return to your abdomen. • Repeat this process: inhale while lifting your hands upward in a cupping motion to your chest, then rotate them outward and stretch upward; exhale as your hands draw large circles downward. • After five minutes of repeating this breathing and movement exercise, you will start to feel a sensation in your pineal gland. Due to pressure, your head may feel heavy. At this point, you can begin visualization meditation. To prepare, you can watch galactic videos on YouTube. As you meditate, you will start seeing planets swiftly flowing around you. Focus on this image for five minutes, then close your eyes. You will still perceive these planets moving around you. Eventually, the image will transform into another scene—you may find yourself in a grassland, by the ocean, or in a specific house. Explore this space without forming any judgments. Simply observe without analyzing, as this vision may contain the answers you need—insights about your dreams, goals, opportunities, or even your life mission. In this multidimensional space, you can set an intention. Whether or not you receive a clear vision, continuing to meditate peacefully for a longer duration will help strengthen your energy. #七星連珠 #七脈輪 #冥想 #能量 #野生動物 #愛地球 #觀鳥 #野鳥 #遷徙 #野餐 #慢跑 #騎單車 #帆船 #划船 #烤肉