Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd - Dec 8, 2024 - Second Sunday in Advent
Second Sunday of Advent, December 8th, 2024 Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Duluth, Mn PRELUDE “Adagio Cantabile from Piano Sonata No. 8” "Pathétique" - Ludwig van Beethoven WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS TEMPLE TALK – Matt Webb, Team Leader of Transition Team GATHER + *ADVENT DECLARATION – Katie P: The light shines in the darkness. C: and the darkness has not overcome it. *THANKSGIVING (sung) Bruce/Jill L: May God be with you all C: And also with you. L: Let us sing our thanks to God. C: It is right to give God thanks and praise. L: Blessed are you, Creator of the universe – from old you have led your people by night and day. May the light of your Christ make our darkness bright, for your Word and your presence are the light of our pathways, and you are the light and life of all creation. C: Amen. *PSALMODY (based on Psalm 141) & LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH - Bruce/Jill ( + indicates where the round starts, the first refrain is not in a round) Refrain: Let my prayer rise up+ like incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as an offering to you. Sing in a round between Group One and Group Two. Group One begins. O God, I call to you,+ come to me now; O hear my voice as I cry to you. Refrain Keep watch within me God;+ deep in my heart May the light of your love be burning bright. Refrain All praise to the God of all+ – Creator of life; All praise be to Christ and the Spirit of love. Refrain *ADVENT LITANY L: At every beginning there is a yearning for the one who is coming. O Emmanuel, C: Prepare us for your coming. L: We gather together to get ready for what? Only heaven knows. O Emmanuel, C: Prepare us for your coming. L: We wait for the day when God will create a prevailing peace on the earth, and natural-born enemies turn into newborn friends. O Emmanuel, C: Prepare us for your coming. L: We get ready for God to come close by laying our lives open to Jesus, and asking him to sort through all our mixed motives. O Emmanuel, C: Prepare us for your coming. L: Jesus, we welcome your presence now with the lighting of these candles, whose flames bring warmth to winter and fill this place with the glow of hope. C: Amen. WORD + CHILDREN’S MESSAGE - Katie HEBREW BIBLE READING: Malachi 3:1-4 - Liturgist EPISTLE READING: Philippians 1:3-11 *GOSPEL: Luke 3:1-6 *ADVENT DECLARATION - Pastor Jutila P: The Light shines in the darkness C: and the darkness has not overcome it. SERMON – Pastor Jutila HYMN “On Jordan’s Banks, the Baptist’s Cry” (v. 1-3) ELW 249 OFFERING “Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme” THE ANNUNCIATION - Jill/Bruce *MAGNIFICAT (please rise, as able) *PRAYERS (sung) Liturgist will sing prayer petitions while congregation hums and then end each petition singing, “God of mercy, hold us in love.” Concludes with: L: Help us, comfort us, all of our days: C: Keep us, hold us, gracious God. *LORD’S PRAYER FINAL BLESSING (sung) SENDING WITH PEACE P: Go in peace to be the light and love of God. C: Thanks be to God! P: Let us share a sign of peace with our neighbor as we depart. POSTLUDE “Toccata in E Minor” - Johann Pachelbel ****** Thank you! Advent Candle Lighters LeighAnn and Paul Viche' Accompanist Parker Hinnenkamp Music Leaders Jill Kaiser, Bruce Johnson Liturgist Ushers Jerry and Nan Asperheim Greeters Tom Kaiser, Cal, Dominic Next week: Sign up at the welcome desk Welcome Center Linda Susens Next week: Janean Tucker Projection Preparer Julie Seidelmann Projectionist Marcia Semerau Streaming Brian Fischer Hospitality Jess Kramer Next week: Sharla Anderson WELCOME! Rev. Stacey Jutila will share the message as she is the Director of Chaplaincy at St. Mary’s and we are grateful to have her here and we are thankful for her important ministry. Pastor Lisa is making a holiday visit to her mom in Texas. Next Sunday!!! Come and be part of our Christmas Carol Sing-a-long following worship on Dec. 15. We will have hot chocolate and cider. You can help by bringing cookies to share. Tables will be set up in the gathering space. This will be an especially festive morning with the Sunday school program during worship and then Advent workshop and Carol singing afterwards. Let’s sing together the joy of Jesus birth!