15 minutes relaxing meditation music with beautiful Nature view, recharge positive energy

15 minutes relaxing meditation music with beautiful Nature view, recharge positive energy

Enjoy this Relaxing Meditation Music with Beatiful Nature view. Listen the 15 minutes Relaxing Music and you will feel better, sleep and Charge positive energy. Calming Music and Stress Relief Sound for everyone. Close your Eyes, lean back and Relax! Video Recorded by Relax Transmiter in Fall/ Lenggries / Bavaria /Germany. Information I am a hobby nature photographer and sound recorder. I try to film all my own content and record the sound myself. Videos and audio are recorded by me on site. If I do use sounds or videos from ohter creators, of course I write that below in the video description. I always try to improve the quality of the videos and my equipment. I would be happy about nice comments, constructive criticism is also welcome. Thanks for watching and listening and if you like it, leave a subscription and don't forget to activate the bell so you don't miss my new content. The Relax Transmitter