The Harsh Realities: Resident Evil 2 Remake Walkthrough - Part 8 - Leon & Ada's Partnership Begins
Twitter & Instagram @dansg08 ► Playlist: https://bit.ly/Dansg08RE2 ► Support Dansg08 & Get Exclusive Perks on Patreon: https://goo.gl/xvvDJD ► Welcome to part 8 of my Halloween special playthrough of Resident Evil 2 Remake. After the success of RE1 last year, both in terms of my own enjoyment and the response from the community, I was excited to continue my way through the Resident Evil franchise this Halloween season. After enjoying Resident Evil 1 so much for Halloween 2021 I have decided to continue my way through the franchise (no guarantees I'll play them all). Next up on my list was the remake of Resident Evil 2, which received widespread acclaim from new players and old fans alike. As someone only just getting into the franchise in 2022, going for a well-made remake (also as voted by the community) was the better option. I hope everyone enjoys the playthrough! A HUGE thank you to all my Patrons on Patreon for the support they provide to the channel which help me to keep making LPs such as this one, a special thank you to the highest tier Patrons: ► Josh Murphy ► j85norway ► Jay_Wotw ► Jesse F ► CityMorgue ► Hedgelord42 ► El No ► Tevura ► Gabriel R ► Joseph L C ► PrincessMagical ► Streeter ► De_Life_Stream ► Cameron M ► Dansg08 Merch - http://bit.ly/Dansg08Merch & http://bit.ly/Dansg08Merch2 PLAYLIST LINKS ► FINAL FANTASY COMMENTARY WALKTHROUGHS ►Final Fantasy VI - http://bit.ly/dansg08FF6 ►Final Fantasy VII - https://goo.gl/kmBJta ►Final Fantasy VII Remake - https://bit.ly/dansg08ff7r ►Final Fantasy VIII - https://goo.gl/fZrMxM ►Final Fantasy IX - https://goo.gl/unv1X7 ►Final Fantasy X - http://goo.gl/vvE6Vt ►Final Fantasy X-2 http://goo.gl/eDZXmr ►Final Fantasy XII - https://goo.gl/QfUHjw ►Final Fantasy XIII - https://goo.gl/9HAVg4 ►Final Fantasy XIII-2 - https://goo.gl/dGd9wA ►Final Fantasy XIII-3 - http://bit.ly/Dansg08FF13LR ►Final Fantasy XV - https://goo.gl/NlTh2k ►Final Fantasy Type-0 - http://goo.gl/hZ0tmE ►NON-FINAL FANTASY COMMENTARY WALKTHROUGHS ►Resident Evil 1 - https://bit.ly/Dansg08RE1 ►Horizon Zero Dawn - http://bit.ly/dansg08HZD ►Bloodborne - https://goo.gl/Q5rQU3 ►God Of War 4 (2018) - https://goo.gl/wQZjae ►Cyberpunk 2077 - https://bit.ly/Dansg08CP2077 ►The Last Of Us - http://goo.gl/XEp0Y ►The Last Of Us 2 - https://bit.ly/dansg08tlou2 ►Detroit: Become Human - http://bit.ly/Dansg08Detroit ►Death Stranding - http://bit.ly/dansg08DS ►Metal Gear Solid (1-5) - https://goo.gl/ZJ8d5R ►Metal Gear Rising - https://goo.gl/kM29WB ►Portal - https://goo.gl/AEp9ou ►Portal 2 - https://goo.gl/UPGFRR ►Cuphead - http://bit.ly/dansg08cuphead ►Uncharted Lost Legacy - https://goo.gl/QjxxP7 ►Crash Bandicoot - https://goo.gl/rzSALW ►Crash Bandicoot 4 PS4 - https://bit.ly/Dansg08CB4 ►The Last Guardian - https://goo.gl/A9VR2D ► Nier Automata - http://bit.ly/Dansg08NAuto ►Shadow Of The Colossus PS4 - http://goo.gl/w9hMcU ►Tomb Raider 2013 Reboot - http://goo.gl/KUbfcZ ►Rise Of The Tomb Raider - https://goo.gl/H953De ►Shadow Of The Tomb Raider - https://goo.gl/WeNUfw ►Uncharted 1 - http://goo.gl/5QKSI2 ►Uncharted 2 - http://goo.gl/GJ3dAn ►Uncharted 3 - http://goo.gl/QEI5l9 ►Uncharted 4 - https://goo.gl/B9Mt04 ►Heavy Rain - https://goo.gl/DyVypH ►Bioshock - http://goo.gl/QsRczX ►Bioshock 2 - Coming Soon! ►Bioshock Infinite - https://goo.gl/oy3mYK ►Journey - http://goo.gl/ava0Ur ►Watch Dogs - http://goo.gl/Bt7H6v ►Dear Esther - https://goo.gl/GMvrnz