꽈리고추찜 만들기 / Steamed Shishito Peppers aka 'Twisted Peppers'

꽈리고추찜 만들기 / Steamed Shishito Peppers aka 'Twisted Peppers'

비타민 C와 연골에 좋다는 꽈리고추! 꽈리고추찜은 밥, 국수, 고기 어디에도 잘어울리는 반찬이에요 :) 한번 꼭 만들어 먹어보세요! - Shishito "Twisted" Peppers are a healthy source of Vitamin C Steamed Shishito Peppers are a great dish to go with rice, noodles or meat Try it out and see for yourself! :)