The Last of Us Part 1 "Outskirts: Downtown" Survivor+ PS5 (No Commentary)
#TheLastOfUsPart1 #TLOU #OutskirtsDowntown With time to think, Joel and Tess discuss their options. Ellie explains that her immunity could lead to a cure. Joel is against completing the mission while Tess seems hopeful at the thought of a cure. Joel tries to dissuade her from the mission, reminding her of the infected and hostile survivors. Tess understands but is reluctant to change her mind. Tess and Ellie begin to walk to the Capitol Building, leaving Joel to follow. They proceed through downtown Boston and reach a large chasm, which forces the three to enter the partially-collapsed Goldstone Building. As they pass through the unstable building, they encounter a number of infected, including clickers. Tess explains what they are to Ellie while Joel forces the door open. Once through, Joel is tackled to the ground by a clicker but is saved by Tess, who shoots it dead. They push on, finding a patrol of soldiers that had come through the same building but were killed by stalkers. They climb a wall, evading clickers by throwing bricks and bottles to distract the creatures. They reach the other end of the building but are met with a large group of runners; Joel must eliminate several of them so that the group can pass safely. Once done, Tess commends Joel but he shrugs her off. They make it to a subway station, finding dead Fireflies and a Molotov cocktail. They find a note that tells them they aren't the group they should be meeting. After bypassing several infected, they exit to the streets.