My Husband Hit Me For The First Time | Paul Friedman

My Husband Hit Me For The First Time | Paul Friedman

You have probably not been married very long or your husband has started drinking or using some other substance and he is losing his mind. I don't know how else to put it. Now I have to tell you that it is not our philosophy to condemn a spouse. This is very much outside of our normal box typically because we encourage working on the marriage to make it a positive experience. But in a case like this, you've got a serious problem. Your problem is that your husband is not acting like a protector and the subconscious mind which carries so much information but one of the things that the subconscious mind carries is information from the biology. Your psychology is affected by your Biology and men are designed so to speak to be protectors of the family. So when they use that strength that a man has because a man is obviously stronger physically than a woman, and if he uses that strength, he's doing the opposite of what he's supposed to do. I don't know how long you've been married. I don't know how hard he hit you and I don't know that it matters that much unless he hits you by mistake but you're really mad and so that's why you're searching these videos. Visit our website Offer your gratitude ------- Join our mailing list and get our Top 10 Do's and Don'ts for Marriage: Listen to our podcast: Ask a TMF counselor about your situation, free: 12 Week Marriage System: Men & Women's courses: Watch Paul talk about the system:    • 12 Week Marriage Saving System & Onli...   Paul's Books: Breaking The Cycle Lessons for a Happy Marriage Follow Us: Twitter:   / themarriagefdn   Pinterest:   / themarriagefoundation   Instagram:   / themarriagefoundation   Facebook:   / themarriagefoundation   All other information about TMF: To Support TMF with Your Donation: ------- #TheMarriageFoundation #PaulFriedman #marriageproblems #angermanagement #marriagewithoutdivorce #frustratedwoman #unhappywife #abusivehusband