india में पाये जाने वाले 10 सबसे महंगे dogs #shorts #facts #dogs #india
#dogs #shorts #facts #india #youtubeshorts #viralshorts #maltesedog #boerboel #caucasianshepherd #afghanhound #akitainu #alaskanmalamute #tibetanmastiff #englishmastiff #rednosepitbullterrier Embark on a journey through opulence as we uncover the top 10 most expensive dogs in India! 🐾 Starting from the more budget-friendly Maltese to the regal Red Nose Pitbull Terrier, each canine companion has a story of luxury and distinction. Join me as we explore the fascinating world of premium dog breeds, from the majestic Tibetan Mastiff to the aristocratic English Mastiff. Don't miss out on this canine extravaganza—hit play now and discover the exclusive lives of India's priciest pups! 🎥🐕