TEHILLAH PRAISE & WORSHIP OVERFLOW SERVICE | Min. Lilian Nneji | Rev. John Aniemeke | 11.03.2024
WE ARE ON A MISSION TO REACH THE WORLD WITH THE GOSPEL #thebethelxperience #revjohnaniemeke #bcag Thank you for watching. Please join us live for our other services: Sunday: 10.00 am (CST) Wednesday: 7.00 pm CST Friday: 7.00 pm CST You may join us in person at 10802 W Loop 1604 N, San Antonio, TX 78254. Drive-in option available. Watch our services live on our Youtube Channel: / bethelcovenant Facebook: / bethelcovena. . Touching Heaven, Changing Earth www.bethelcovenantag.org #god #goodgod #bible #jesus #love #jesuschrist #trustgod #salvation #faith #christ #salvation #church #christian #truth #grace #repentance #repent #prayer #pray #christianity #sundayservice #sanantonio #texas #kindness #forrestfrank #elevationrhythm #ashamaluevmusic @JosueAvilaMusic @daredavid @UcheAgu @JordiGTV @RonkeAdesokan @Empraiz @ryanofeitv @SEYIALESH @JJHairston @yvonnesdiary #yvonnesdiary