The Great Replacement Explained through Italian Wisdom!
As usual, Italian expressions and wisdom are the best for explaining life. Here we talk about mass migration and (the missing) border control on GB News Headliners show! Thank you very much for your support. Let's make news great again! ✅ Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/angloitaliancomedy ✅ Support via SubscribeStar: https://www.subscribestar.com/anglo-i... ✅ Support me via Patreon: / nicholasdesanto Here are links to my upcoming live shows (in the UK): 🎙 Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year quarter-finals (Sunday 5 November, central London, Museum of Comedy (pick the 16:30 slot!)): https://museumofcomedy.ticketsolve.co... 🎙 with Markus Meechan (Count Dankula), 16 December 2023, London: https://billetto.co.uk/ticket_buyer/o...