Mthr Kathryn Bellhouse High Mass Sermon | Christ's Majesty | Christ Church St Laurence
Sermon preached by Mthr Kathryn Bellhouse – The Second Sunday after Epiphany, Solemn High Mass (Sunday 19 January, 10.30am) Water Into Wine, Majesty Of Christ At Cana – Mthr Kathryn Bellhouse's High Mass Sermon - To download a service sheet, please go to: https://ccsl.org.au/service-sheet To support the ministry of CCSL, please go to: https://ccsl.org.au/support#donations... Report any livestream technical difficulties by texting +61 400 550 088 or emailing [email protected] - Subscribe to CCSL / @christchurchstlaurence Follow CCSL on Instagram / christchurchstlaurence Follow CCSL on Facebook / christchurchstlaurence - This sermon by Mother Katherine explores the theme of divine sovereignty, particularly focusing on the majesty of Christ as revealed in the Gospel of John. She begins by highlighting the awe-inspiring nature of Christ's sovereignty, evident even in his infancy as the Magi were guided by the stars. Moving to the Gospel of John, she emphasizes how Jesus demonstrates his glory through miraculous acts, transforming the ordinary elements of human existence. The sermon then delves into the role of Mary at the wedding at Cana. While seemingly a simple request for assistance, Mary's actions reveal a profound understanding of her son's divine nature and her own role as a disciple. Mother Katherine explains that Christ's response to Mary's request demonstrates his unique authority as both God and man. He acts not out of filial obligation but from his own sovereign will, highlighting that his mercy is not limited to a select few. The sermon further connects this miracle to the mystical marriage of Christ and humanity, where the "water" of ordinary life is transformed into the "wine" of divine grace through baptism and the sacraments. Ultimately, Mother Katherine emphasizes that Epiphany is a season to rejoice in the shared sovereignty of Christ and humanity. By entrusting ourselves to him, we become partakers of the divine life and share in his majesty. - #anglican #sermon #church #christchurchstlaurence #sydneyanglicans #sydneychurch #anglocatholic #epiphany #Cana #history #highmass