there will NEVER be anyone else like you for the rest of eternity… STOP comparing yourself

there will NEVER be anyone else like you for the rest of eternity… STOP comparing yourself

SIGN UP TO RECEIVE FREE COSMIC TRUTHS: Coaching: Hiiii! Thank you checking out this video! If you’re interested in topics aligned with spirituality, life, and abundance, then click the subscribe button for more videos! In this video, I share how comparing yourself to other people’s realities, status, and achievements will only slow you down in discovering your own soul’s path and journey. We are completely new and unique people that came to this Earth to create our own lives. There will never be another person just like you ever for the rest of time. So why copy someone else when you already have so much value to offer the universe? 🍿 WATCH NEXT Millionaire Shares How To Manifest Dream Life (5 Simple Steps)    • Millionaire Shares How To Manifest Dr...   6 LESSONS from a spiritual channeler/healer    • 6 TRUTHS About The Universe   STORY TIME: I lost my car key and how God helped me *miracle*:    • STORY TIME: I lost my car key and how...   Believe in the dream before it comes true:    • How to manifest your dreams by playin...   MY OTHER CHANNEL 💅🏻 My Nail Channel:    / @shirleymanimagic   MY OTHER SOCIALS 📸Instagram:   / thefairyshirley   📱Tiktok:   / thefairyshirley