Opening to The Jungle Book 2 2003 DVD (April 8, 2003 version)
Original DVD Release Date: June 10, 2003 Here's what the opening to the 2003 DVD release to The Jungle Book 2 would look like if it was released on April 8, 2003 instead of June 10, 2003 Here's the order: 1. FBI Warning Screen (2000-2005) 2. Blue Warning Screen (2000-2005) 3. Walt Disney Home Entertainment Logo (2001-2006) 4. Coming Soon To Theaters Logo (1999-2006) 5. Finding Nemo Trailer 6. Brother Bear Behind the Scenes Trailer 7. Coming Soon On Video and DVD Logo (1999-2003) 8. Stitch! The Movie Trailer 9. Bionicle: Mask of Light Trailer 10. George of the Jungle 2 Trailer 11. The Lion King: Special Edition Trailer 12. Now Available On Video and DVD Logo (1999-2003) 13. Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World: Special Edition Trailer 14. Winnie the Pooh: Frankenpooh/Spookable Pooh Trailer 15. Monsters Inc Trailer 16. DVD Menu 17. Disney DVD Logo (2001-2007) NOTE: Fake/fanmade. It makes sense having the trailers to Stitch! The Movie, George of the Jungle 2, The Lion King: Special Edition, Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World: Special Edition, Winnie the Pooh: Frankenpooh/Spookable Pooh and Monsters Inc as some of the opening previews on here, because not only does this take place at a jungle, but Jim Cummings and Jeff Bennett from several of these movies are some of the actors in this movie along with John Goodman, who is in Monsters Inc, so it all makes sense here, and the trailers to Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas: Special Edition and Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year can definitely be some of the exttra previews on here without a doubt for sure NOTE #2: This is made to commemorate with the fact that today is not just Valentines Day, but today also marks 22 years since this came out in theaters, so happy 22nd anniversary to this movie NOTE #3: If this happened, then any DVD/VHS tapes from April 8-June 3, 2003 that had the trailer to this would no longer have it anymore, since a now available trailer to this title doesn't exist and hasn't been seen to exist at all And @firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142, if you're watching this, this video is for you. What would the occasional/special late appearances of the trailer to Winnie the Pooh: Frankenpooh/Spookable Pooh be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don't know, then here's my hint: They will not end before August 2003 for sure, but think of somewhere around late 2002 or early 2003 or somewhere around then