Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Your Cholesterol? Intermittent Fasting for Today’s Aging Woman
Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Your Cholesterol? Intermittent Fasting for Today’s Aging Woman To JOIN OUR current course...registration will close in 2 weeks: http://bit.ly/InfoIFGroup OR check out this month's t-shirt of the month here: https://fortodaysagingwomanshop.com/ to get on our group fitness support information list click here http://bit.ly/FitnessMoreInfo You can find me on Instagram at / for_todays_. . CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://bit.ly/InfoIFGroup email me for more information: [email protected] INTERMITTENT FASTING for Today's Aging Woman Are you a woman who is between the ages of 40 and 55+ who is has struggled with the HIGHS and LOWS of dieting? Have you reached a point in your life where you feel like no matter what you try the weight is not coming off and you just aren’t feeling like yourself anymore? Are you feeling like this is as good as it is going to get for you? Reality Check Time: √ As a 50-year-old mother of two young kids (16 and 10) I don't have time to feel, look or act old. Whatever old is these days. I just don't have time for it. √My body started falling apart on me. •sudden weight gain •hormonal body fat •mood swings •insomnia •foggy brain •you name it…. you are probably dealing with it right now. The Tried and True DIETS that I had been following in my youth no longer worked for me. I couldn't just CUT CALORIES and CLEAN UP MY NUTRITION and have things magically fall back into place. The real clincher for me was when I was diagnosed as a PRE-DIABETIC and I started showing all the symptoms of a FAILING THYROID. Add in sudden food intolerances, and before you know it, as much as you are trying to fight it, you are feeling, looking and acting old. Despite your best efforts. —————————————————- In 2015, I started researching Intermittent Fasting but I just couldn't connect to all the 20 and 30 somethings that were in Social Media showcasing their version of Intermittent Fasting. Starving all day and partying all night, just wasn't my thing anymore, maybe 30 years ago. But I was very interested in the idea of Intermittent Fasting because of how this younger generation was benefiting from that concept of FASTING. I mean FASTING has been around for years and years. So I stayed off Social Media and turned to medical books and published research on Intermittent Fasting. Much to my surprise, there were so many health and Anti-Aging benefits to Intermittent Fasting that I never knew about. In 2016, I made a promise to myself. That promise was to use my time and energy to educate myself about the aging process and healthy ways to deal with it. Instead of spending money on co-pays and prescriptions I bought books. Instead of spending hours in doctor's offices I decided to research, educate and implement. ———————————————— I am looking for MOTIVATED and SERIOUS women who are ready to EMBRACE the Aging Process using Intermittent Fasting. Are you ready to learn about Intermittent Fasting and the Aging Woman? CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://bit.ly/InfoIFGroup WHAT IS IN THIS FOR YOU? **Accountability in a supportive environment with women just like you. **Learn about Intermittent Fasting and the many Anti-Aging benefits living this lifestyle has to offer you! **Learn how to incorporate an Intermittent Fasting schedule that will still allow you live life with a family, work and social obligations. **Create a nutritional system that is unique to your needs and lifestyle. **Fix hormonal imbalances with food and simple lifestyle changes. **Learn to listen to the signals your body is sending you. **Learn to make decisions about food based on how you feel. **Learn how Intermittent Fasting can email-me you time and money. WHAT THIS GROUP IS NOT! •A clean eating cooking class. •Meal prep training. •Dictatorship on what food you should and shouldn’t eat. •We will NOT focus on weight loss or BEFORE and AFTER photos. •This is not a diet! •There will be NO calorie counting •We will not measure food. ———————————————————- DISCLAIMER: This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, Dy Ann Paraham LLC will receive a small commission. This helps support Dy Ann Parham LLC and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for the support! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION: http://bit.ly/InfoIFGroup I look forward to FASTING with you. ~dy