This is the official YouTube channel of GraceHouse Family Church, led by Senior Pastors Chuks and Augusta Ozabor. Our vision is to raise men and take territories. Learn more about us at https://gracehouse.co.za/ Connect with us on social media: GraceHouse Facebook: / grace-house-family-church Pastor Chuks Facebook: / pastorchuksozabor GraceHouse Instagram: / gracehouse_global Pastor Chuks Instagram: / chuksozabor Pastor Augusta Instagram: / augustaozabor GraceHouse Twitter: / gracehousetwit Pastor Chuks Twitter: / chuksozabor Pastor Augusta Twitter: / augustaozabor Are you visiting us for the first time? Fill in the new member form: https://forms.gle/ukSui23d5nVPUy2BA Have you recently accepted Jesus as Lord of your life? Fill in our Salvation Card: https://forms.gle/prLpjtioo9WfZwQE6 Giving: GraceHouse Family Church, First National Bank, Account – 62521858029, Branch – 250655 📨 We would like to hear from you or stand with you in prayer. Comment below, send an email to: [email protected] or send us a text via SASAI or WhatsApp to +27 (72) 954-9711