Learn The Art of CLOSE CONTROL! Football Dribbling Skills for Perfect Ball Control!

Learn The Art of CLOSE CONTROL! Football Dribbling Skills for Perfect Ball Control!

Title: Learn The Art of CLOSE CONTROL! Football Dribbling Skills for Perfect Ball Control! Check out my full dribbling course at: www.ballerskills.com Learn Close Control when dribbling in football/soccer. Close control is an essential skill to have when mastering dribbling. I'll teach you a technique I learnt from Thierry Henry, which gave me the perfect touch when dribbling. It let's the ball stick close to my foot when I dribble and run with the ball. I'll teach you how to run forward with the ball, dribble inwards, dribble outwards and stop and turn. Football/soccer skills require good technique, consistent repetition to build the right skill muscles and belief in order to fully master soccer skills. This soccer/football skill I'll teach you is used by the best of the best pro players. IF you want to become pro at football/soccer, having this football skill is essential!