약물 없이 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환   또는 가래를치료하고 예방하는 꿀팁.without medication,  treating and preventing COPD or  phlegm

약물 없이 만성 폐쇄성 폐질환 또는 가래를치료하고 예방하는 꿀팁.without medication, treating and preventing COPD or phlegm

이영상은#코로나 #변이독감과 #폐렴 (#corona, #mutant flu, #pneumonia, epidemic bronchitis, #copd) #만성폐쇠성폐질환 , 심장마비와 뇌졸증 (#heart attack, #stroke), 암(#cancer) , 편도선(#tonsillitis) 편도결석( #tonsilstone ), 통풍 (#gout) 변비(#constipation) #충농증 치료와 예방에 도움이됩니다 This video is helpful for the treatment and prevention of #corona, #mutant flu, #pneumonia, epidemic bronchitis, #COPD, #heart attack, #stroke, #cancer, #tonsillitis, #tonsilstone, #gout, and #constipation #sinusitistreatment #sinusitis