Psalm Chapter 87: Glorious things are spoken of thee (KJV)

Psalm Chapter 87: Glorious things are spoken of thee (KJV)

The book of Psalms is a five-part series of poetry written predominantly by David. Other writers have joined King David in this collection of 150 chapters of poetic writings. The Psalms include many expressions of praise to God. The beauty and power of the Psalms continues to bring countless believes back to its pages and brings their attention to the worship of a magnificent and holy God. In the midst of the praise, it is obvious to the reader that the significant pieces, which focus on worship, are also intertwined with pleas for mercy. The heart of the Psalmist becomes very transparent as life's hardships, enemies, and oppositions press against his dedication to worship God. In his cries for help, David relies on the faithfulness of God to help him endure the enemies warring against his soul. He presses on in his personal praise to God. The Psalms do not simply leave the reader with pretty songs and heartfelt cries. Wise counsel for those who want to live faithfully before the Lord fills the pages of the Psalms. Psalm 119, the longest of the psalms, contains the challenge to love, cherish, and live by the commands of the Word of God. As one reads the Psalms, one senses an atmosphere of encouragement in the praises that fill its pages. One also identifies with those who endure hardships and recognizes the reality that God remains faithful. Rejoicing in praise to God always follows the obedience of His people as they stay true to His word in every situation. Books of the Bible Download: Psalm King James Version Source: Recommended channels: Daily Disciple:    / dailydisciple   Off the Kirb Ministries:    / offthekirbstreetpreaching   Living Waters: Red Pen Logic:    / redpenlogic   Music Used: Peace Like a River by Josh Garrels:    • Peace Like a River