UGP Blessing Amid Trials | MTM Sunday School Class and Review 2/5/23
Lesson text: James 1:1-8; 12-18 This is our Adult Sunday School class taught by Associate Pastors “Dad and Mom” Bryant followed by a review of questions from the lesson by Elder Rodney Jones at Mother Tucker Ministries - Revival Center House of Prayer in Tulsa, Oklahoma where the founding pastor and overseer was the late Dr. Mother Grace Tucker - affectionately known throughout the area as “Mother Tucker” for her decades of dedication to housing, feeding and just helping anyone in need. Current pastor at Mother Tucker Ministries is Missionary Regina Tucker, and our overseer is Bishop Roy Tucker - Mother Tucker's daughter and son. Donate: PayPal: info@MotherTuckerMinistries.org Website: MotherTuckerMinistries.org CashApp: $MTMinistries Mail: Mother Tucker Ministries P.O. Box 773 Tulsa, OK 74101 Follow on Facebook - Mother Tucker Ministries - Revival Center House of Prayer / mother-tucker-ministries-revival-center-ho... Everybody IS Somebody! #MotherTuckerMinistries #SundaySchool #Blessing