Zee医生:间歇性禁食的6个阶段(72小时内身体的惊人变化)(Understanding Fasting Benefits)
📢 72小时禁食的6个惊人变化!间歇性禁食如何影响你的身体? 在本视频中,我们深入解析间歇性禁食的全过程,揭示在 72小时内,你的身体如何从 血糖稳定、脂肪燃烧、自噬修复到免疫系统重启,带来一系列惊人变化! 📌 禁食的6个阶段 ✔ 8-14小时:血糖稳定,开始消耗糖原 ✔ 14-24小时:脂肪燃烧,进入酮症状态 ✔ 24-36小时:酮体生成,食欲下降,大脑功能增强 ✔ 36-48小时:深度自噬,清理受损细胞,预防衰老 ✔ 48-60小时:胰岛素敏感性提高,炎症减少 ✔ 60-72小时:免疫系统重启,干细胞再生,全面修复身体 🔥 **你尝试过间歇性禁食吗?最长坚持了多久?评论区告诉我!**👇👇 📢 **订阅频道,获取更多健康资讯!**🔔 In this video I'm going to talk about six stages of fasting. This is what’s happening in the body during each stage of fasting. The six stages of fasting: Stage 1: 8-14 hours • Stable blood sugar levels • Using up stored sugar and sugar in the blood • At 10 hours—the muscles use about 50% glucose and 50% fat (you’re starting to transition to fat-burning) Stage 2: 14-24 hours • Starting to get into ketosis • Fewer cravings • More energy • Improved mood • Improved cognitive function Stage 3: 24-36 hours • Full ketosis and fat burning • The liver is making ketones • Decreased appetite • Decreased ghrelin • Increased BDNF (new brain cells) Stage 4: 36-48 hours • Autophagy • Kill cancer cells • Decreased oxidative stress • Decreased misfolded proteins • Increased memory Stage 5: 48-60 hours • Insulin sensitivity super boost • More autophagy • Less inflammation • Atrophy healing • Protein sparing Stage 6: 60-72 hours • Immune system regeneration • Spike in immune stem cells • A 2014 study demonstrated that a 72 hour fast led to a complete rejuvenation of the immune system, and people on chemotherapy had less damage DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and cannot be considered as personal medical advice. The content is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Use this information at your own risk. I will not assume any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death. #间歇性禁食 #禁食的好处 #72小时禁食 #自噬 #生酮饮食 #健康养生 #Zee医生 #StagesOfFasting #Fasting #IntermittentFasting #FastingBenefits #Nutrition #ProlongedFasting #HowToFast #FatBurning #Autophagy #Ketosis #Gluconeogenesis #StemCells #Atrophy #6StagesOfFasting