6 WEEKS OUT Bikini Prep Series EP.1: Meal Prep & Mindset - First #bikinicompetition #bikiniprep

6 WEEKS OUT Bikini Prep Series EP.1: Meal Prep & Mindset - First #bikinicompetition #bikiniprep

I started this journey (bikini prep) about 4 months ago, but my fitness journey has been a long one of 10+ years of trial and error - lots of error! My coach and I have worked on body recomposition first, just adding muscle and eating lots of whole food to have a good strong baseline to cut from. NOW we start to cut leading into the show and where the hard work will start to show. I wanted to document this for your entertainment but more hopefully to inspire you also through what I am learning about our mind, what we are capable of, and the cliche about believing in yourself. Because it all starts in the mind! -- Future videos if interested: 1) My 10+ year "fitness" journey and why I went in circles 2) How long it took me to develop and adapt better eating habits 3) Post competition strategy -- Connect with me on instagram - @yasyfit --- --- --- --- --- --- Music: Waves by LiQWYD   / liqwyd   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3CAsIPS Music promoted by Audio Library    • Waves – LiQWYD (No Copyright Music)   Lose This by Dylan Emmet   / dylanemmet   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/-lose-this Music promoted by Audio Library    • Lose This – Dylan Emmet (No Copyright...