7th Sunday after Pentecost - July 16th 2023

7th Sunday after Pentecost - July 16th 2023

Join us online for worship this morning! Timestamps --- 00:00 - Announcements 02:44 - Confession and Forgiveness 03:52 - Song #1 - Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty 6:44 - Greeting 6:55 - Song #2 - Kyrie 9:45 - Song #3 - Glory to God 11:57 - Salutation and Prayer of the Day 12:22 - First Reading - Isaiah 55:10-13 13:35 - Psalm Reading - Psalm 65:1-13 15:35 - Second Reading - Romans 8:1-11 17:16 - Gospel Reading - Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 21:35 - Sermon by Pastor Jeniffer Tillman 27:32 - Song #4 - As Rain from the Clouds 30:42 - Apostle's Creed 31:41 - Prayers of Intercession 34:51 - Sharing of the Peace 36:26 - Offering 38:09 - Thanksgiving 38:47 - Sanctus 39:55 - Communion 47:50 - Song #5 - The Trees of the Field 49:24 - End of Service Copyright/Licensing Information --- One License with podcasting License # A-701890 Expires 12/1/2024 Augsburg Fortress Hymns License # SB175086 Expires 07/31/2025 Augsburg Fortress Liturgies License # SB175086 Expires 07/31/2025 CCLI Copyright License® License # 1569056 Expires 10/31/2024 CCLI Streaming License™ License # 21905343 Expires 10/31/2024