đź”´The Narcissist's Precious Jewel is Gone, Now They're Losing Their Minds #Narcissism #NPD

đź”´The Narcissist's Precious Jewel is Gone, Now They're Losing Their Minds #Narcissism #NPD

Please Subscribe ‪@NarcPedia‬ for various topics related to narcissism and narcissists. Let's study and grow together! Thank You! Hello everyone, and welcome back to our channel! We sincerely appreciate you taking the time to watch another one of our videos. If you enjoy our content, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support helps our channel grow and allows us to reach more people who may benefit from our discussions. Today, we are going to talk about a very important topic: the narcissist who has lost a precious jewel, and that jewel is you. As a result, they are losing their minds. Yes, they are truly losing their minds over this loss, and it’s a sight to behold. When we refer to the narcissist losing their precious jewel, we mean that they have lost you, and this loss is driving them to a state of confusion and distress. It is almost unreal to witness the extent of their reaction. When a narcissist is involved in your life, the devaluation process they put you through can be utterly devastating. Often, individuals in such relationships do not realize their true worth. You may have fleeting memories of the initial stages of the relationship, known as the "love bomb" phase, where the narcissist showered you with affection and compliments. It is crucial to hold on to those memories because they reflect the truth of your value. The love bomb phase occurs because the narcissist needs to gain your trust and affection. They understand that if they approached you honestly, revealing their true nature—stating something like, "Hello, I am a narcissist who enjoys devaluing, manipulating, and smearing people"—you would likely distance yourself from them. They are aware that they must first charm you to gain your acceptance. The intensity of their love bombing is a reflection of your uniqueness and value. You are special, a true gift, and a priceless jewel. You are genuinely a treasure, a blessing to anyone fortunate enough to have you in their life. However, throughout the course of the relationship, it is not that you lose your inherent value. Instead, the narcissist employs psychological tactics to make you feel worthless through the devaluation process. This process often begins subtly. Initially, you may experience an overwhelming sense of love and admiration, filled with glitz and glamour. Then, suddenly, the narcissist may begin to devalue you, and this shift can catch you off guard. It may take you by surprise because it is something so foreign to your experience. You might find yourself confused, unsure of how to process this sudden change in behavior. Regardless of how the relationship ended—whether you were discarded, experienced a reverse discard, or even made the decision to cut ties because the toxicity became unbearable—there is a crucial point to remember. After some time has passed, even just a little bit, you will find that absence can indeed make the heart grow fonder. If you limit or completely cut off communication with the narcissist, you will begin to heal. "Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you suspect you or someone you know may be involved with a narcissist, or are dealing with any psychological issues, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. This content is shared to offer insights and perspectives and should not be considered as professional or medical counsel." #Narcissist #Narcissism #NarcissisticAbuse #ToxicRelationships #MentalHealth #NPD #Psychology #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Empath