Morning service  | 8th September 2024 | Spiritually Healthy | Romans 8: 28-31 & 1 John 3 : 1-2

Morning service | 8th September 2024 | Spiritually Healthy | Romans 8: 28-31 & 1 John 3 : 1-2

Welcome to our live Sunday morning service. This mornings communion service is led by Clare Page and Reverend Ben Thorndike speaks on Romans 8: 28-31 & 1 John 3 : 1-2, looking at how we can take a Spirituality Healthcheck - taking the ABC checks to see if we are spiritually healthy? We would love to hear from you - please email us on [email protected] _______________________________________________________ Connect with us on social media: TPC on Facebook -   / tonparishchurch   YCF Ministry on Facebook -   / ycftonparishchurch   Twitter -   / peterpaulton   Instagram -   / peterpaulton   #romans8