Holy Mass for Sunday in the Octave of Corpus Christi 2023 from Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Schen…

Holy Mass for Sunday in the Octave of Corpus Christi 2023 from Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Schen…

Holy Mass for Sunday in the Octave of Corpus Christi 2023 from Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Schenectady. Be sure to Like and Subscribe, it really helps. Live Streaming of the Holy Mass, Liturgies, and Events from Holy Name of Jesus, 1040 Pearl St., Schenectady, NY #schenectady #hnjschenectady #ashtagPNCC Visit us at https://www.holynamencc.org/ or on Facebook @HolyNameOfJesusSchenectady. All music used with permission. OneLicense.net, License number A-729828, Valid for: 03/12/2023 – 03/13/2024 and CCLI Licenses A 20893865 and A 20893872, expires 11/30/2023.