LIVE Sunday, October 25, at 11:30 a.m. -- Mass on the XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

LIVE Sunday, October 25, at 11:30 a.m. -- Mass on the XXX Sunday in Ordinary Time

Principal celebrant and Homilist: Father Tom Morrow During this time of the coronavirus pandemic: 1. Please check our parish website every couple days for updates. 2. Please sign up with Flocknote to receive St. Raphael parish emails or texts. To do so, please text the keyword "raphaelrockville" to 84576. Learn more about Flocknote here: 3. Please subscribe to our channel, by clicking the red Subscribe button. (There is no cost involved.) 4. Please remember to help the parish financially, so that it may meet payroll and other obligations. You can conveniently give online through Faith Direct: