7 Fitness Myths DEBUNKED in 7 Minutes
The fitness industry is plagued with many myths and misconceptions that are driven by old school purists and "professionals" who simply don't want people to know the truth in order to sell more programs or meal plans. In this video I go over 7 of the top myths and misconceptions surrounding the health and fitness industry. As always, this video gets straight to the point and if you like that style of video leave a thumbs up below! #1: The first misconception is that exercise is the best way to lose weight. It is common to think that if you want to lose weight all it's going to cost is that gym membership. In reality, your diet is a much better way to control weight loss and keep you in a calorie deficit. This becomes very clear through a study conducted by Harvard Medical School where it was concluded that general weight lifting burns 126 calories per 30 minutes in a 185 lb. person. It is way easier to eat 252 calories than it is to spend an hour burning it which is why your diet will be a more effective catalyst in sparking weight loss. Article linked below! (https://www.health.harvard.edu/newswe...) #2: Myth number 2 is that sugar makes you fat. This is false as studies have shown sugar to have no inherent properties that lead to body fat storage. However, sugar does trigger a response in your brain which makes you want more of it which will increase your calories. That being said, it is the calories that make people gain weight, not the sugar itself. You can still lose weight while eating sugar, you may just be fighting the urge to keep eating more often. #3: The third myth is that there is a BEST diet for weight loss. Whether it is keto, intermittent fasting, omad, paleo, or weight watchers all diets are based on limiting your calorie consumption. The diet that is the most sustainable FOR YOU is going to yield the best weight loss results. #4: The fourth myth is that fasted cardio burns more fat than fed cardio. While studies have shown this to be true DURING the cardio session, calories over time is what is going to cause a fat gain/loss. Essentially if you consume 300 calories before cardio and burn 500 during cardio you will be in a deficit of 200 calories. If you consume 0 calories before (fasted), burn 500 during, and eat 300 after you going to be in the same deficit of 200 calories. Do whatever makes you the most comfortable and you'll get the same results as long as your diet is on point. #5: Supplements are necessary. This is easy to fall for and is driven by marketing experts in the industry. All you need to understand for this one is that supplements can be useful (ex. protein powder to help hit your daily protein requirement) but are not required. As long as you have a well balanced diet you are going to be able to get all of your nutrients in through whole foods. #6: Myth 6 is that women who lift will get bulky. This one stumps me every time. Think about every man on the planet who lifts weights then think about how many of them are actually bulky...not many. Sure a woman can get very bulky but she would have to eat and train specifically to build muscle or gain a bunch of strength. It doesn't just happen by accident. #7: Finally the anabolic window. I don't have to go over this one too much, essentially the myth is that you have to consume protein immediately post workout or you'll miss the muscle building opportunity leaving your entire workout effectively useless. This is very false and studies have suggested a 4-6 hour window surrounding your workout will yield the same results. You don't need to get the protein shake consumed in the parking lot, just eat a meal within a few hours and you'll retain all of your gains! If you like these videos please subscribe to the channel for weekly content and let me know what you'd like to see me talk about in the comments below! Join me on Facebook: BASH Fitness & Nutrition Follow me on Instagram: @dalekellerfitness