Halo Infinite: December 25th, 2024: Christmas Day Firefight Heroic KOTH Evening Session
On Wednesday the 25th of December 2024, I played some more Firefight: Heroic King Of The Hill and in this video, I played six matches; two on Gyrefight, one on Kusini Bay, one on Scarr, one on Highpower and one on Courtyard. GYREFIGHT (1): 111 kills, 14 assists and 4 revives. KUSINI BAY: 242 kills and 35 assists. SCARR: 167 kills, 1 death, 17 assists and 1 revive, along with a nice, juicy Killpocalypse. :3 HIGHPOWER: 115 kills, 7 assists and 3 revives. COURTYARD: 108 kills, 1 death, 40 assists and 2 revives. GYREFIGHT (2): 99 kills, 1 death and 22 assists. Halo Infinite is available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S as well as PC. The game is also in the Xbox Game Pass catalogue. #xboxgamepass #haloinfinite -- Watch live at / badgerfromoz