Gestational Hypertension in Pregnancy: Risks, Symptoms & Treatment |Dr Sindura Ganga|Arete Hospitals
What is gestational hypertension? How to deal with High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) During Pregnancy? How is hypertension in pregnancy treated? Join Dr Sindura Ganga R, Consultant - Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Laparoscopic Surgeon, Arete Hospitals, Gachibowli, Hyderabad in this insightful video where she discusses about Gestational Hypertension in Pregnancy: Risks, Symptoms & Treatment. Hypertension that arises for the first-time during pregnancy, particularly if a woman has had normal blood pressure before pregnancy, is a significant concern. When blood pressure readings during prenatal visits exceed 140/90 mmHg, it indicates hypertension. If this condition develops after 20 weeks of gestation, it is termed gestational hypertension, a complication seen in 10-15% of pregnancies today. High-Risk Groups for Hypertension in Pregnancy: Certain women are at higher risk of developing hypertension or gestational hypertension. These high-risk groups include, 1. Primigravidas - Women who are pregnant for the first time. 2. Young Mothers - Younger age can be a risk factor. 3. Older Mothers - Advanced maternal age also increases risk. 4. Family History - Those with a family history of hypertension. 5. Coagulation Abnormalities- Women with blood clotting disorders. 6. Autoimmune Diseases - Conditions such as lupus or antiphospholipid syndrome. Causes of Gestational Hypertension: Gestational hypertension occurs due to abnormal placentation during the second trimester. The placenta connects the mother to the foetus, and if blood supply or vascular invasion is compromised during development, hypertension can result. This condition hampers blood flow to the baby, leading to increased resistance. Consequently, the foetus is at high risk for intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) or more severe outcomes like intrauterine death. Importance of Monitoring Blood Pressure: Regular monitoring of blood pressure during antenatal check-ups is essential. Even if readings are below 140/90 mmHg, an increase of 30 mmHg in systolic or 15 mmHg in diastolic pressure compared to the first trimester is significant and should be considered gestational hypertension. Early intervention with oral medications is crucial to avoid complications. Complications of Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia: 1. For the mother, uncontrolled hypertension or preeclampsia can lead to severe complications, including, 2. Seizures - Known as eclampsia, if not well controlled. 3. Kidney Issues - Impaired kidney function. 4. Heart Issues - Cardiovascular problems. 5. Strokes - Increased risk of strokes. 6. Intracranial Bleeding - Bleeding within the brain. 7. Liver Damage - Hepatic complications. Impact on the Baby: If left uncontrolled, gestational hypertension can have serious effects on the baby, such as, 1. Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) - Babies may be smaller. 2. Sudden Intrauterine Deaths - Often due to placental abruption, which is bleeding behind the placenta. Conclusion: To ensure a healthy pregnancy, monitoring blood pressure regularly and managing any increases promptly is vital. Time Codes: 0:06 Doctor Introduction 0:16 Gestational Hypertension 0:55 Who are at High Risk from Gestational Hypertension 1:21 Why does Gestational Hypertension Happen? 2:10 IUGR 2:52 Oral Medication for Hypertension 2:59 What are the complications from Gestational Hypertension? About Arete Hospitals: Arete believes that a good environment helps in healing and good facilities help experts achieve beyond their expertise. To Know More: https://www.aretehospitals.com/ About the Doctor: Dr Sindura Ganga R is a highly skilled Consultant with over 10 years of experience in Gynaecology. Dr Sindura's versatile capabilities encompass Emergency and Elective Laparoscopic Surgeries, Hysteroscopy, High-Risk Obstetrics, Gynae Onco Surgery, and Robotic Surgery. Book an Appointment with Dr Sindura Ganga R - Gynaecologist : https://www.aretehospitals.com/book-d... Connect with our other platforms for regular updates: 1. Facebook: / aretehospitals 2. Instagram: / aretehospitals 3. LinkedIn: / arete-hospitals 4. Twitter: / aretehospitals Explore Dr Sindura Ganga R - Gynaecologist playlist for more informative videos: • Dr Sindura Ganga R - Gynaecologist Please Subscribe to Our Channel: / @aretehospitals For further enquiries, may contact us at Arete Hospitals or you may post your query here in the comments section. Subscribe to our channel to get regular updates on your health, Thank you. #aretehospitals #mindfulbeyondmedicine #healthcare #drsinduraganga #gestationalhypertension #pregnancy #highriskpregnancy #pregnancyrisks #pregnancysymptoms #treatmentforgestationalhypertension