How to reduce waiting period for PED | Health insurance Client Questions and my Answers in Tamil

How to reduce waiting period for PED | Health insurance Client Questions and my Answers in Tamil

whatsapp to 9994266772 for more details Clients questions and my answers on Health insurance What is waiting period and how to reduce waiting period for Pre existing illnesses? Pay extra premium and buy back waiting period to 1year from 3year How to reduce health insurance premium? Choose Top up or super top up policy Use deducible feature based on your capacity Use wellness incentive to get discount in renewal premium Take parents, parent-in-laws and grand parents in your family floater policy to reduce premium Choose multi year premium and get discounts Check for Zone wise premium option Buy group plans, if you are running business and include your family members and employees Shift to new policy by checking the premium and features Should NRI’s take health insurance in india? Yes for two reasons.. 1. For minor illness or surgeries , you can do in your country. But for major surgeries, its less costly in india. So that you can travel and get the surgeries done if you have a policy here. 2. if you have any plans to shift to india in the next 3 to 5years, its better take a minimum policy now itself. So that when you come to india and if there is any medical emergency. You can get health insurance benefit. Senior citizen policy which company is best. Pls choose max bupa or hdfce ergo #9994266772 #healthinsurancetamil #seniorcitizenpolicy