The Top 6 BEST PROBIOTIC Foods To Improve Gut Health

The Top 6 BEST PROBIOTIC Foods To Improve Gut Health

Probiotics are friendly live bacteria and yeasts that naturally live inside your body. These friendly microbes are necessary to keep harmful bacteria under control, promote good digestion and boost the immune system. You May Like ----------------------- 🎥 13 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium! ➡️    • 13 Warning Signs Your Body Needs More...   🎥Top 10 Vitamins To Increase BLOOD FLOW and Circulation ➡️    • Top 10 Vitamins To Increase BLOOD FLO...   🎥10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You Should Eat Cucumbers Daily ➡️    • 10 POWERFUL Reasons Why You Should Ea...   ⌛Timestamps: ⏱️0:00 Benefits Of Probiotics ⏱️1:07 Sauerkraut ⏱️2:05 Kefir ⏱️3:10 Kimchi ⏱️4:01 Natto ⏱️4:50 Kombucha ⏱️5:36 Pickles ⏱️6:16 Prebiotic Foods ✍️ Summary: Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage with significant health benefits. It is thought to have originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. Just two tablespoons of sauerkraut offer all the daily recommended colony-forming units you will need for optimal gut health in a day. Kefir is a fermented probiotic milk drink. It is made by adding kefir grains to goat or cow's milk. Kefir grains are not cereal grains but rather cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeast that look a bit like cauliflower. Kafir can also help you with lactose intolerance, a common digestive issue that can lead to symptoms such as bloating and excess gas. Kimchi is a fermented, spicy Korean dish made from a mixture of fermented radish chili, onions, cabbage and ginger, and is one of the healthiest superfoods available. Kimchi is made by a process called Lacto-fermentation. Natto is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of fermented organic soybeans, and it has a stringy texture with a pungent flavor. The probiotics in natto can act as your gut's first line of defense against toxins and harmful bacteria. One gram of natto contains around one billion colony-forming bacteria (CFUs). Kombucha is a fermented green or black tea drink. The basic ingredients in kombucha include yeast, sugar and black tea. The mix is set aside for a week or more, and during that time, bacteria and acids form in the drink, as well as trace amounts of alcohol. Pickles are cucumbers preserved in a solution of salt and water. They are left to ferment for some time, using their own naturally present lactic acid bacteria, which also makes them sour. 🚑Disclaimer: The information provided on Create Cure channel is only for educational purposes and doesn’t constitute any medical, legal, or professional advice on any subject matter. These statements are not intended for diagnosis, treatment, or cure of disease and are not evaluated by the FDA. Always seek the advice of a medical professional in case of starting a new diet. #probiotics #prebiotics #probioticfoods