I Tested YouTubers Most POPULAR Combos To PvP In Blox Fruits!
I went to many different youtubers most popular blox fruits combo videos to use for bounty hunting/PvP in Blox Fruits! ALSO make sure to like & sub for more videos + watch the entire video! Road To 250K Subs! (Subbing Is Very Appreciated) ➡️Make Sure To Subscribe For Future Giveaways, And Like the Video! SYOGang On TOP!⬅️ 🡲 Discord Server: / discord 🡲 ROBLOX SYOCT-GOD Merch: https://www.roblox.com/groups/3692293... 👉Contact my Email if you want to do any sponsorships, collabs, etc.👈 E-mail - [email protected] #bloxfruits #roblox