Decluttering and Organizing My Closet Vlog to make more space Part 1
Watch as I tackle the mess in my closet, decluttering and organizing to make more space for the clothes that I actually wear. This vlog shows the process of sorting through my casual wear, throwing away items that no longer fit or are out of style. Join me on this journey to create a more functional and enjoyable wardrobe! Watch as I declutter and organize my closet in this vlog! I'll show you how I make more space by sorting through my casual and formal wear, getting rid of items that no longer fit or are out of style. Part 1 of my closet organization journey! I'll be sorting through my casual wear, throwing away items that no longer fit or are outdated. Let's make room for a more organized and functional closet! Welcome to my channel! My name is Bir kaur Dhillon ,a Canadian Punjaban. living in Canada for more than 25 years. I share the story of my life through my vlogs. Looking forward to connecting with you guys. Thank you for your love and support!Please follow me on my other social handles!Insta: / tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@birkaurdhillo... : / birkaur