Vocoflex - Real-Time Voice Creation & Transformation Plugin

Vocoflex - Real-Time Voice Creation & Transformation Plugin

Vocoflex is our new real-time voice creation and transformation plugin. Perfect for music production, live performance and sound design, Vocoflex lets you change voice gender, blend male and female voices, create backing vocals, and create otherworldy voices. To prevent unauthorized usage, Vocoflex embeds an inaudible audio watermark into the voice. Also as a precautionary measure, Vocoflex requires ID verification, which helps curb the usage of voice samples without the singer’s consent - a practice prohibited by our license terms. For even greater power, use Vocoflex together with Synthesizer V Studio Pro to create complete voice customizations from start-to-finish. To find out more about Vocoflex, visit https://dreamtonics.com/vocoflex/ - Follow us: Facebook -   / dreamtonics   Instagram -   / dreamtonicsaudio   Twitter (JP) -   / dreamtonics_jp   Twitter (EN) -   / dreamtonics_en   Official Website - https://dreamtonics.com/en