ডিম ছাড়া খুব সহজে বাড়িতে বানাও নিরামিষ স্পঞ্জ কেক | Eggless Sponge Cake Recipe | Niramish Cake
#cake #recipe #cakerecipewithoutegg #cakerecipe #cakes #cooking ডিম ছাড়াই পারফেক্ট কেক বানিয়ে নিলাম II cake recipe II PLUM CAKE | Biggest Plum Cake Recipe | Christmas Plum Cake Making । Home Made Plum Cake Recipe Christmas Fruit Cake Recipe | Eggless & Without Oven | Yummy ডিম ছাড়া খুব সহজে বাড়িতে বানাও নিরামিষ স্পঞ্জ কেক | Eggless Sponge Cake Recipe | Niramish Cake Fruit cake or Christmas special Plum cake recipes are very simple to make and traditionally have their own process but I will show you how you can make a plum cake or fruit cake recipe at home without an oven, eggs, and alcohol. so make a Christmas cake recipe without an oven and enjoy it with your Friends and family. ____________________________ ----------------------------------------------- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rakhi_bong_... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... ______________________________ -------------------------------------------------- Thanks for watching Rakhi Bong Kitchen please subscribe for more Bengali recipes. More queries:- plum cake recipe plum cake recipe in malayalam plum cake palm cream plum cake recipe without oven plum cake recipe in tamil plum coconut shampoo review palm candy plum cocoa mocha lipstick plum cake chikkus dine no oven cake no oven cake recipe no oven cake and cookies no oven cake shivesh no oven cake recipe in tamil no oven cake recipe bake with shivesh no oven cake recipe malayalam no oven cake recipe with egg no oven cake at home no oven cake in tamil no oven cake malayalam cake recipe cake recipe bangla cake recipe at home cake recipe in oven cake recipe atanur rannaghar cake recipe without oven cake recipe in tamil cake recipe malayalam cake recipe with egg cake recipe in telugu cake recipe without egg cake recipes cake recipe oreo biscuit cake recipe with egg cake recipe biscuit cake recipe vanilla cake recipe without oven cake recipe chocolate cake recipe easy oreo cake recipe cake recipe malayalam cake cream recipe chocolate cake recipe malayalam eggless cake recipe cake recipe without egg cake recipes cake recipes at home #plumcake #fruitcake #cakeideas #cakeshorts #christmasspecialrecipes #rakhibongkitchen #villagecooking #cakerecipe