100% effective Herbs to kill parasite - Dr. Vivek Joshi

100% effective Herbs to kill parasite - Dr. Vivek Joshi

PARASITE CLEANSE - Best Herbs for parasite and Magical Home Remedies this video is about parasite cleansing and what are main symptoms you have to look for if you are suffering from this problem. I also mentioned Reasons why this parasite problem mainly occurs . Also mentioned some simple and very effective home remedies to get rid of this parasite problem like use of 1. garlic 2. cloves. also mentioned two natural or ayurvedic herbs very effective in treating this problem herbs mentioned are 1. vidang or va vidang 2. Krimi kuthar ras I hope these recommendations will help you in treating this parasite/ worms problem Stay Happy Stay Healthy Buy Bhoomi Amla Best Herb For Liver https://weherbal.in/products/organic-... buy online vidang amazon.in https://amzn.to/38bGfTg amazon.com https://amzn.to/3GsfIhr krimi kuthar ras amazon.in https://amzn.to/3NuD9ZB more videos to watch early symptoms of parasite infection    • Don't Ignore These Early Symptoms Of ...   detox your liver    • DETOX YOUR LIVER in simple way - Surp...   Posting Knowledge and fun on my /www.instagram.com/dr.vivek_Joshi Facebook-   / dr-vivek-joshi-242286083087189   #doctor #health #diy #healthtips #trending #viral #treatment