#실시간#제주#대정#빛내림의#노을#바다날씨#Real-time #Jeju #Daejeong #Shining #Sunset #SeaWeather #Shots
#제주 서귀포시 대정읍 #바다날씨 #실시간 화면 입니다 바다날씨가 #가파도,#마라도, 어선들 #출항금지 #Jeju Seogwipo City Daejeong-eup #SeaWeather #RealTimeScreen Sea weather is #Gapado, #Marado, fishing boats #No Departure #제주도#대정읍#돌고래#대방어#송악산#가파도#마라도#모슬포#운진항#맛집#사계#산방산#송악산#용머리해안#형제섬#노을해안로#형제해안로 #Jeju Island#Jeju#Daejeong-eup #Dolphin #Defense #Songaksan #Gapado #Marado #Moseulpo #Unjinhang #Restaurant #Four Seasons #Sanbangsan #Songaksan #Yongmeori Coast #Brother Island #Noeul Coast #Brotherly Coastal Road 안녕하세요 매서운 날씨와 코로나로 인한 어려움이 중복되면서 연말연시의 분위기는 물론 개개인의 생활 또한 위축되는 가운데 항상 건강하시고 즐거운 일만 가득하시기를 기원합니다 Hello I hope you will always be healthy and full of fun amid the year-end and New Year's atmosphere as well as individual life shrinking due to the severe weather and difficulties caused by COVID-19 Copyright of this program: The license is copyrighted by The Thema Advertising Agency, Ellenphoto Shinpaul Video Director