Need CO2? Build cheap, fast and easy DIY CO2 reactor!

Need CO2? Build cheap, fast and easy DIY CO2 reactor!

How to make fast, cheap and easy DIY CO2 system (reactor)? Super simple! Follow along my instructions and your plants will love it! Recipe: 10g (0.35oz) instant yeast 400g (0.35oz) sugar 1L (0.25gal) water 🚨Watch next: 🚨 Full video:    • How to make easy CO2 for your tank? C...   CO2 dropchecker:    • How to check and measure CO2 level? H...   Bio-film problem?:    • No skimmer? Remove biofilm, surface f...   🔔 Subscribe for more videos like this: #co2diy #co2reactor #co2