November 17, 2024 10AM Worship Service

November 17, 2024 10AM Worship Service

Recordings of our Sunday worship services are posted during the following week. Today's Sermon: Amazing Women: Mary Magdalene (John 20: 11-18) Dr. Robert Prince Scripture Reading: Toby Atwood Mission Challenge: Tom Smith Worship Through Music: Prelude: Great Is Thy Faithfulness (arr. Cynthia Dobrinski) Handbell Choir To God be the Glory (Hymn #4) Sanctuary Choir | Congregation Creation Will Be at Peace (J. Paul Williams | Anna Laura Page) Sanctuary Choir Jesus What a Friend For Sinners (Hymn #185) Congregation Jesus Loves Me (Hymn #344) Congregation How Great Is Our God with How Great Thou Art (arr. Peggy Bettcher) Handbell Choir He Lives (Hymn #533) Congregation Postlude: The Master Hath Come (arr. Lowe) Mary Ann Cooper - organ