노래하는 절대음감 강아지 비숑 동주 | Singing dog bichon Dongju with perfect pitch
매주 1-2번씩 플릇 연주를 듣던 비숑 동주는 절대음감을 갖게 됐어요😁 태어나서부터 한 주도 빠짐없이 플릇 레슨을 같이 들었답니다😆 Bichon Dongju who listens to the flute playing once-twice a week has a perfect pitch now😁 He has taken the flute lessons together since he was born😆 🎬: VLLO 📱: Iphone 11 pro 🎵: Flute by Yunju, Singing by Dongju #노래하는강아지 #절대음감강아지 #강아지노래 #singingdog #dogperfectpitch #dogsong #dogmusic #cutedog #bichonfrise #비숑 #비숑프리제