The Faker vs Chovy Fight Explained
Sponsored by @OperaGXOfficial : Download it for free at https://operagx.gg/TheScore This past weekend, we all got to watch as T1 rinsed the best roster in the world, GenG. But we also got to watch as Faker put on a master class against the single best League player in the world, Chovy. Specifically, as he engaged in an unthinkable low HP midlane scuffle that, despite going unnoticed by the broadcast, captured audiences’ attention and instantly went viral. Fans are debating as to whether the trade was, in fact, ‘worth’ - which we’ll talk about - but the real question is: did Faker gap Chovy - and, if so, . . . how? Written & Hosted by: Dimitri Pascaluta (@DPascaluta) Edited by: Colten Gowan (@TheOnlyZoltan) Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke) Technical Production by: Bryan Jirik (@_jbryann) All footage courtesy: https://pastebin.com/ZbSxDpLv Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”). Follow us on Twitch: / thescoreesports Follow us on Twitter: / thescoreesports Follow us on Facebook: / thescoreesports Follow us on TikTok: / thescoreesports Follow us on Instagram: / thescoreesports