【Boro】 지킬앤 하이드 - 선택은 없어 + 지금 이 순간[cover]
안녕하세요 Boro입니다 오늘 들려드릴 곡은 저번에서 이어지는 뮤지컬 지킬앤 하이드의 노래 선택은 없어(Now there is no choice)와 지금 이 순간(This Is The Moment)입니다 본래는 지금 이 순간만 부르려 했지만 앞에 부분인 선택은 없어라는 곡이 있어야 완성되는 감정이랄까 느낌 전달이 있다 생가되어 추가해서 부르게 되었습니다 열심히 준비하고 불러봤습니다! 즐겁게 감상해주세요! こんにちは。Boroです 今日お届けする曲は、前回から続くミュージカル ジキルとハイドの歌 選択はない(Now there is no choice)と今この瞬間(This Is The Moment)です 本来は今この瞬間だけ歌おうとしたのですが、前に部分的な選択はないという曲があってこそ完成する感情というか感じの伝達があると思われ、追加して歌うことになりました。 一生懸命準備して歌ってみました! 楽しく鑑賞してください! Hello, I'm Boro The song I'm going to play today is a song by Jekyll and Hyde from the last musical Now there is no choice and this is the moment Originally, I was only going to sing it at this moment, but I added it because I thought there was a feeling that was completed only when there was a song called "No Choice," which is a part in front of me I prepared a lot and sang it! Please enjoy it! Original Jekyll & Hyde - Now there is no choice, This Is The Moment instrumental by [Musical] Jekyll & Hyde - Outside Jekyll's Lab_This Is The Moment [MR] "This Is The Moment" - Jekyll & Hyde [Karaoke/Instrumental] Credit ----------------------------------------- Vocal, Illust, Mv : Boro (@BoroBreakerBoro) Mix & Mastering : 백하랑(@BackHaRangMix) ----------------------------------------- #뮤지컬 #지킬앤하이드 #선택은없어 #지금이순간 #JekyllHyde #Nowthereisnochoice #thisisthemoment