Saints Row 2 Walkthrough Part .1 (No Commentary) | 黑街聖徒 2 這次有剪 : EP01 來一起看看15年前的神座之一 吧
上網沖個浪就來一個新單元啦,這星期本來沒有要上片但上網看了一下發現他有新世代畫質模組,就..來了 好啦 來個十次吧 模組及安裝教學在下方 _____________________ 畫質、模型、動作和重製模組詳解 : • How To Install Mods in Saints Row 2 ,... 所需模組第一階段 : 1) Saints Row 1.5 Lighting ( My Entire Reshade Built up on This One ) https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 2) Overhauled Stilwater https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 3) SR2 Complete Combat Overhaul https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 4) Saints Row 2 High Quality Texture Pack https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... ( Download SR2 HQ texture Pack 58 MB ) 5) Sr1 Knocking Out/Prone Kick https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 6) SR1 Gameplay Mod https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 7) Fixed Sales Ads https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 8) Saints Row 1 style Law Enforcement/Always Bustable https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... ( download one file ie always bustable .7z ) 9) SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 10) The "GTA" Pack for SR2 https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 所需模組第二階段 : 1) High Quality Radio Mod https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 2) Download Chunk and Pegs from ( Same link that have HQ texture pack) https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... ( The File is Around 3.5 gb ) 3) Gibbed Resolution https://blog.gib.me/2009/01/06/saints... 所需模組第三階段 : 1) Gentle Man Of The Row https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/t... 2 ) Reshade https://reshade.me/ 3) My Reshade Preset ( there are two mods I'll recommended to use the first one ) 1) Gta style Graphics ( Updated ) Download Link : 1 ) over powered lighting ( some times mess up the cut scenes ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1welG... 2 ) Gta style colorful Graphics ( more balanced ) https://drive.google.com/file/d/16zpu... or watch the Game Play : • I Remastered Sain... 2 ) Dark Tone ( this is the one I've used at the end of the video ) (only for those who prefer less warmer colors) links are removed coz it confused the users / please make a comment ill send the links if you need this one . #saint #saintrow #saintrow2