❌️Teenagers अपने Hormones को कैसे Control करें?....Psychology Facts

❌️Teenagers अपने Hormones को कैसे Control करें?....Psychology Facts

12 से 19 साल के लोगों के लिए 6 psychological rules ताकि वो एक Happy और successful life जी सके और उनसे जुड़े अद्भुत मनोवैज्ञानिक बाते जो शायद आपको ना पता हो...... Puberty is a time when sex hormones lead to physical and emotional changes. During this period, it is normal to feel out of control and to have mood swings. You do not have to despair, however. Learn about the expected changes of your body and how you can handle emotional fluctuations. Achieving a balanced lifestyle will also help you feel in control! exercise for period https://www.wikihow.com/Exercise-Whil.... Research based psychological facts that will amaze you. psychology in hindi psychological hacks. Follow me on instagram for more update:   / feel_thefact   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEL THE FACT : This Channel is created by Akash Sahu (from IITRAM Ahmedabad) having one and only purpose to make your life Better & Easier than you think. Every situation in life is a fact and we have to feel this fact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy My Favorite Life-Changing Books: the power of your subconscious mind (English): https://amzn.to/3lIBC7s (Hindi) : https://amzn.to/3jDIyQG you can heal your life (English) - https://amzn.to/3tyPku1 (Hindi)-https://amzn.to/2QYxaEW you can win by Shiv Khera (English)-https://amzn.to/2Q0Sg4S (Hindi)-https://amzn.to/3tvR87c The Secret (English)-https://amzn.to/3w0dqPX (Hindi)-https://amzn.to/3oabVMz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy my mic: https://amzn.to/3fjeHLs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playlists to Watch other popular videos on this channel. 1️⃣ FEEL YOUR PERSONALITY    • FEEL YOUR PERSONALITY   2️⃣ FEEL THE HUMAN NATURE    • FEEL THE  HUMAN NATURE   3️⃣ FEEL YOUR LIFE    • FEEL YOUR LIFE   4️⃣ FEEL THE PSYCHOLOGY    • FEEL THE PSYCHOLOGY   5️⃣ FEEL VEDIC SCIENCE    • FEEL THE VEDIC SCIENCE   6️⃣ FEEL THE SCIENCE    • FEEL THE SCIENCE   7️⃣ FEEL RANDOM FACTS    • FEEL RANDOM FACTS   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on instagram for more update:   / feel_thefact   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #feelthefact #teenage #teenager #humannature #human_behaviour #psychologytrick #life #humanbehaviour #psychology #psychologicalfact #amazingfact #human_behaviour amazing factscolour psychology fashion psychology feel the fact females facts girl facts human behavior human psychology human psychology facts interesting facts mister proton psychological facts about human behavior psychology facts about human behavior psychology of clothing psychology of human behavior psychology of love untold facts in hindi wonderful facts sign of a genius bhulne ki आदत psychology facts of teenager psychology facts of teenager teenage psychology teenagers फैक्ट्स teenagers teenage dream girls puberty teen girl fact teenage girls teenager psychology