God of War Ragnarok Gameplay | Reunion | Atreus puts Fenrir’s soul into the Garm Boss | Part - 12

God of War Ragnarok Gameplay | Reunion | Atreus puts Fenrir’s soul into the Garm Boss | Part - 12

God of War Ragnarok Gameplay | Reunion | Atreus puts Fenrir’s soul into the Garm Boss | Part - 12 ⏱️Time Stamps :- 00:00 Reunion 00:15 Approach Ratatoskr 00:28 Find Garm in Helheim 14:35 Pursue Garm 25:14 Kratos vs Garm Boss 1st Fight 33:17 Leave Helheim 35:04 Run! 37:29 Kratos vs Garm Boss Final Fight 40:14 Atreus puts Fenrir's soul into the Garm Boss 40:59 Keep Pursuing Garm 42:17 Fenrir Return 44:14 Return to the Mystic Gateway 48:00 Heartwarming moment between Kratos and Atreus 51:22 Return home to Sindri's 55:09 Travel to Vanaheim when ready 57:05 Outro 🎮God of War Ragnarok Gameplay    • God of War Ragnarok Gameplay | Surviv...   🎮God of War Ragnarok Favours    • God of War Ragnarok Gameplay | Favour...   🎮God of War Ragnarok Shorts    • Video   🎮God of War Ragnarok Boss Fight    • God of War Ragnarok Kratos vs Bjorn B...   🎮God of War Ragnarok The Hateful Mini Boss Fight    • God of War Ragnarok Kratos vs The Hat...   #mightysabbu #godofwarragnarok #godofwar5 #ragnarok #reunion #kratos #freya #mimir #sindri #brok #tyr #atreus #loki #garm #giantwolf #giant #wolf #ratatoskr #helheim #fenrir #mysticgateway #vanaheim