Spooky-Cute Mummy Cat Decorated Cookie Tutorial

Spooky-Cute Mummy Cat Decorated Cookie Tutorial

In this video, you'll learn to quickly and easily decorate these adorable cat mummies - perfect for beginner cookiers! Supplies: • Baked cat cookies - get the 2" or 3" cookie cutter STL here: https://l-treats.com/products/cookie-... • Royal icing in orange in a 15 second consistency • Royal icing in white in a 20-25 second detail consistency • A scribe or toothpicks • Black sprinkles: https://a.co/d/4gJQrIW • A black edible marker • A basket weave piping tip #45 🐈‍⬛ See the other Halloween Cat tutorials: Pumpkin Cat:    • Feline Good About Fall: Purr-fect Pum...   Ghost Cat:    • 👻 Boo-tiful Ghost Cat Decorated Cooki...   Black Cat:    • Spooky or Sweet? Black Cat Cookie Dec...   Mummy Cat:    • Spooky-Cute Mummy Cat Decorated Cooki...   Vampire Cat:    • Decorate: Purr-fect Vampire Cat Cookies!   🎃Join my FANGTASTIC Halloween Gnomies Cookie Decorating class with bonus Christmas Gnomies tutorials - it's double the cookies for the same dough! Learn more here: bit.ly/4dinA3L 🎃 🔔 Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell for more delicious and fun baking tutorials! And, sign up for my newsletter for cookie decorating tips, tricks, ideas, upcoming cookie class information, recipes and freebies - link in Bio. Follow me on Instagram: @l__treats Follow me on TikTok: @l__treats #cookiedecoratingtutorial #catcookies #mummycookies #decoratedcookies #halloweencookies #beginnercookiedecorating