Everywhere and Somewhere | Derek Harden | Christ Fellowship

Everywhere and Somewhere | Derek Harden | Christ Fellowship

🙌SUNDAY GATHERING🙌 We’re honored to gather together this morning! We pray you personally experience the true and living God! CF | To equip and empower individuals to be all God designed them to be 🚨SUBSCRIBE Get notified anytime we go live:    / @christfellowshiptn   🗓JUMP IN Check out everything happening at CF! https://christfellowship.me/events/ 🙏PRAYER We would love to pray with you. Let us know your need: https://christfellowship.me/prayer/ 🎁GIVE To give to CF or learn more about giving, visit: https://christfellowship.me/give/ 📲SOCIAL FB |   / cftricities   IG |   / cftricities   #sunday #sundayservice #worship #sundayworship #prayer #sundayprayer #identity #father #jesus #holyspirit #presence